Journal of Community Service and Engagement: Announcements 2021-08-30T00:40:51+07:00 Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Journal of Community Service and Engagement (JOCOSAE)- Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat with e-ISSN: 2807-5633 </strong> is published by :</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">CV. AGUSPATI RESEARCH INSTITUTA<br />SK Kemenkumham AHU-0054821-AH.01.14 Tahun 2021<br />Akta Pendirian No 332 Tgl 26-8-2021 Notaris NURLISA UKE DESY, SH. Mkn</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>JOCOSAE </strong>is a peer-reviewed journal that contains scientific articles adopting community service.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This journal aims to publish high-quality articles as a result of community service in the national scope.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>JOCOSAE </strong>accepts articles from Community Services (Pengabdian pada Masyarakat) conducted by the lecturer, Student Creativity Program in Community Services scope , or other public service activities in the form of training, workshops, counseling, mentoring, socialization, as well as empowerment . This journal was first published in August 2021 and is published 6 ( six) time a year.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Articles can be written in Indonesian or English. All published articles in this journal can be accessed online by everyone at no charge.</p>